Gaz wrote:Given how you handle a shotgun matey, I wouldn't trust you with a paintbrush!!
Gaz wrote:It's going well!
Dan4th wrote:Gaz:::::::
Watch out for the Dreaded White Smoke on Sunday!
Hope you're keeping a Photo and Vid record of your efforts!
(...which you will, of course, then share with US!!!)
May the Force be With You!
Dan4th wrote:Lived to tell the tale, I see........
What's the goal besides cleaning her up?
Taxy Duty or what?
Important thing is she's not just being
left to rot!
More Power (literally) to ALL of you!
Dan4th wrote:Lived to tell the tale, I see........
What's the goal besides cleaning her up?
Taxy Duty or what?
Important thing is she's not just being
left to rot!
More Power (literally) to ALL of you!
Dan4th wrote:Mister Gaz::::::::::::
I know you got some manuals and stuff from
Boeing -- did you ever consider asking them
to help you out a little bit even if it was just
perhaps some materials and/or moral support?
Bet they have a UK warehouse FULL of assorted
After all, she IS a historic aircraft for them, too!
See if you can't develop some contacts via the
internet. Maybe send that Nice Boeing Lady the
same pics you put up for us.......
Oh, and if there are no engines, what are the props
hanging off of and what happened to her old ones?
Dan4th wrote:BEHOLD THE WIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Links at the bottom are good, too......
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