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Forum General Information

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:19 pm
by Wedgy

As this is a "static width" forum, the maxium width of any pictures posted here should be 1024 pixels.

This means, if you are using PhotoBucket, when uploading you will need to select "Reduce To: 1024x768 (17" Screen)"

Re: Forum General Infomation

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:20 pm
by Wedgy

I would encourage you to add your birthday to your profile, so we can all send you best wishes on your day.

Note: You do not have to enter the year of your birth, if you ommit this, your age will remain private on the forum index page ;)

Re: Forum General Infomation

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:26 pm
by Wedgy

The Private Messaging functions on this forum have been upgraded - so maybe different (and more functional) than other forums you have visited.

Within your Private Messages, there is a menu item labeled "Rules, folders & settings"


As the screenshot shows, within here you are able to create up to 3 custom folders and set rules for private messages as soon as they arrive - just like a standard email client.

Each folder can hold upto 100 private messages, therefore:

    Inbox = 100
    Outbox = 100
    Sent Messages = 100
    Custom Folders = 100x3
    = 600 private message limit per user.

I will increase/decrease this limit depending on how the SQL database reacts over time.

I would like to take this opportunity to emphasise that all Private messages ARE PRIVATE, I cannot read them, I can only see stats regarding the number of messages each user currently has.

If your inbox reaches 100 messages, you will not receive any new PMs until some messages have been deleted. You will see the following message:
You have 1 private message currently on hold because of full folder.
Release all on-hold messages… they will be re-sorted into the appropriate folder if enough space is made available.

If your "sent" folder reaches 100 messages, each time you send a PM, the oldest message in the folder will be deleted to make room.

Re: Forum General Information

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:26 pm
by Wedgy

RSS Feeds are available on Iconic Aircraft. Look for the Feed icon in your favorite browsers toolbar :)

Re: Forum General Infomation

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:26 pm
by Wedgy

Here's a quick guide on the standard forum codes for posts (thanks to IanM for finding this)

I have also added some addition codes, you will not see on the posting screen.

Code: Select all
[left]This is left allignment[/left]

This is left allignment

Code: Select all
[centre]this is centre allignment[/centre]

this is centre allignment

Code: Select all
[right]this is right allignment[/right]

this is right allignment

Code: Select all
[marquee]this is marquee[/marquee]

this is marquee

Code: Select all

Re: Forum General Infomation

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:45 pm
by Saracenman

courtesy of IanM from the TVOC forum (edited slightly for the benefit of posting on this forum)

A question that is often asked is how to post pictures so I thought it would be useful to make a little guide on how to do it.

Firstly the picture needs to be hosted on the internet somewhere. By far the simplest way to do it is to create a free account at" onclick=";return false; - once you have done that, upload your choice of photos, the maximum picture-width that this forum will accept is 1024 x 768 pixels (note: not the 800 x 600 as in IanM's picture below - choose a size no bigger than 1024 x 768)


Once the upload has completed, this will then display all of your pictures for you:


As you can see underneath each image are some links, click anywhere in the text box next to "IMG code" and it will copy the link for you:


Go back to your forum page, and in the text box paste your link (either by right clicking and choosing paste, or by pressing the letter v on your keyboard whilst holding the CTRL control key down). It should look something like this... (note: this should be all you need to do but in order to make sure it has worked, always check in a preview!)


If you are happy with your preview, then just close the preview window and click Post. Voilà!!

That is the best way, in my opinion, to upload photos from your own computer.

Posting a picture from elsewhere on the web:

If you want to put a photo on here that is somewhere else on the web (for the caption competition perhaps) the best way to do that is to right mouse click on the photo you want to copy, and select properties:


then highlight the text next to the Address: (URL) field. Copy this either by right clicking and choosing copy, or by pressing the letter c on your keyboard whilst holding the CTRL control key down.


Then close that properties window and go back to your forum page. In the text box of your post, paste this link (either by right clicking and choosing paste, or by pressing the letter v on your keyboard whilst holding the CTRL control key down). Once again, highlight this entire address with your mouse and then click the Insert Image icon just above the text box, so it looks like this:


If anyone tries to follow these instructions but has any difficulties, please post and let me know then I can amend them accordingly. I hope this helps and that no-one minds me posting it.



[originally]Edited to add comments by Panel 10:
That's great Ian, could I just add that it doesn't work if there is text already in the 'reply to topic' window, (for me on a Mac anyway), it just leaves a placemarker so add your text after posting your pics.

my own tiny comment
whilst photobucket is very useful, beware that others are able to see the pictures in your account - so, naked pictures of the missus are not the best idea ;)

well unless you're sick, twisted and in need of some medical help that is =))

thanks again IanM for a very good and comprehensive tutorial B-)


Re: Forum General Infomation

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 2:32 pm
by Wedgy
Embedding DAILYMOTION Clips

Take the following information from the 'Link code'

and use the tag [ dailymotion][ /dailymotion]

E.g. [ dailymotion]x9db26_a-i-r-w-o-l-f_shortfilms[ /dailymotion]
(ignore spaces in this example)

Displays this:

Re: Forum General Information

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:00 pm
by Wedgy
Updated these to reflect new forum functionality.

Re: Forum General Information

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:16 pm
by Mackrick
Thorough as always