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Re: Irritations

Postby Ray C » Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:24 pm

Don't you just love filling stations/mini markets when all you want is to fill the car...
then joining a que to find the person in front has a weeks Bloody shopping...& wants
to do their lottery ticket... ~x( Happend to me today :-
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Re: Irritations

Postby Aceyone » Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:35 am

Ray C wrote:Don't you just love filling stations/mini markets when all you want is to fill the car...
then joining a que to find the person in front has a weeks Bloody shopping...& wants
to do their lottery ticket... ~x( Happend to me today :-

Oh yes and have to say it's usually the fairer sex too !
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Re: Irritations

Postby Jet Morgan » Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:14 pm

Surprised the main garage chains don't have an express payment system, like the self-service checkout in supermarkets. They counter staff only have a computer where they press the number of the pump and it already knows the amount to be paid anyway. With one express payment machine the counter staff could look after the shopping customers and the fuel customers could look after themselves in half the time.
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hihonyr8811 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:54 pm

Jet Morgan wrote:Surprised the main garage chains don't have an express payment system, like the self-service checkout in supermarkets. They counter staff only have a computer where they press the number of the pump and it already knows the amount to be paid anyway. With one express payment machine the counter staff could look after the shopping customers and the fuel customers could look after themselves in half the time.

The other way around!
I've broken two self serve computers in different shops and I refuse to ever use them again, horrible things I HATE them, you could they they irritate me ;) :))
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Re: Irritations

Postby Aceyone » Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:01 pm

Hihonyr8811 wrote:
Jet Morgan wrote:Surprised the main garage chains don't have an express payment system, like the self-service checkout in supermarkets. They counter staff only have a computer where they press the number of the pump and it already knows the amount to be paid anyway. With one express payment machine the counter staff could look after the shopping customers and the fuel customers could look after themselves in half the time.

The other way around!
I've broken two self serve computers in different shops and I refuse to ever use them again, horrible things I HATE them, you could they they irritate me ;) :))

I say say :p
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hihonyr8811 » Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:12 pm

I'm a big movie fan, and I have a soft spot for the Fast and the Furious series of movies.
Just finished watching number 6. Enjoyed it, BUT what on earth is going on with the final action scene.
Big cargo plane (not sure what it is, AN 124? maybe or C5? something big like those anyway) rolling at just under T/O speed to pick up some moving cars with the bad guys on, there's lots of fighting, lots of cars crashing e.t.c all the while this massive aircraft is still moving fast along runway. This goes on for about 12 minutes, the aircraft briefly gets airborne before exploding literally right at the end of the runway.
In other words for this scene to happen in real life you'd need a runway roughly the length of Spain =)) =))

It only irritates me because it feels like lazy story telling, could they not think of an ending that didn't defy physics :)) :))
I like a bit of silliness in movies, but this just takes the you know what :))
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Re: Irritations

Postby RLN » Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:18 pm

Saw the film ages ago, and it rapidly goes downhill from the opening titles. When did the Met. (police) start leaning out of car windows and firing machine guns in a public place? When did the Met. start behaving like SWAT? Where has all the traffic gone in central London? As for the tank episode...God help us!

BTW the runway would have to be nearly 28 miles long.

Absolute drivel.
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Re: Irritations

Postby Ray C » Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:57 pm

My good lady & I decided to buy a small sofa today....& I chose the retail park a quarter mile from Man Utd's ground,
Big mistake....! I forgot they were playing @ home again....Still we fought through the sea of Red & turned left
into one part of the retail area (split by Chester dual carriage way rd).

Time 1.30 kick off 3pm....roamed two stores with no success...! We stood outside the store looked at
The now Tsunami of Red bodies & decided to leave the car & Fight across the road...! It was worth it,
Agreed on a nice grey leather design @ CSL...then Kim said "Shit" the cars on 40 mins ticket & Police are
everywhere il'e pay, you get the car over here", Time 2.10.

I fought back across the road expecting my screen obscured by a ticket..but no all was well...then the
fun started...It took 45 mins to cross a dual carriageway with the lights green & red many times.

When I drove (crawled back) across & into the store my darling wife had changed her mind chosen, & paid for a different sofa.....?
I had no fight left in me & just gave in & agreed..... ~x(
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Re: Irritations

Postby RLN » Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:16 pm

That was supposed to happen. Stay single, no kids, more money, do what you want.

Tomorrow, Jan (Mrs. RLN) has decided we're going to Bluewater. Can't wait!
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Re: Irritations

Postby Dan4th » Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:16 pm

RLN wrote:That was supposed to happen. Stay single, no kids, more money, do what you want.

Speaking as a "single" individual, I personally
believe that married is better, despite some
of the more obvious drawbacks....

You are better off, Martyn, and you too, Ray :)

I have a lunatic former wife and a very lovely
ex-girlfriend who ACTS like a former wife, and
I'd rather be married :))

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Re: Irritations

Postby Ray C » Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:21 pm

Those seem wise words Dan......I think.... :-?
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Re: Irritations

Postby Dan4th » Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:49 pm

I will survive, Ray, but I could
Really Use Some HELP!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Irritations

Postby RLN » Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:55 pm

Help? With women? Too daunting for me, old chap. X_X
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Re: Irritations

Postby Dan4th » Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:01 pm

RLN wrote:Help? With women? Too daunting for me, old chap. X_X

Fear Not!

I am O-K, just seeking that missing puzzle piece :D

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Re: Irritations

Postby RLN » Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:11 pm

I've been looking for that for years. =))
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Re: Irritations

Postby Dan4th » Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:21 pm

It's under the couch, Mart ;) !

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Re: Irritations

Postby Mayfly » Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:08 pm

Slovenly dog owners who don't clean up the mess and leave it on the grass outside our house
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hihonyr8811 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:29 pm

The walls of our house are paper thin even with the insulation we have you can still hear things through the walls, and we have a new next door neighbour who is having central heating installed, so every morning for the last 4 days the people installing it have been hammering and drilling at 7am and even 3 rooms away my walls are actually shaking, two pictures fall off their hooks. I know they cant help it, but it is rather irritating.
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Re: Irritations

Postby Aceyone » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:37 pm

Hihonyr8811 wrote:The walls of our house are paper thin even with the insulation we have you can still hear things through the walls, and we have a new next door neighbour who is having central heating installed, so every morning for the last 4 days the people installing it have been hammering and drilling at 7am and even 3 rooms away my walls are actually shaking, two pictures fall off their hooks. I know they cant help it, but it is rather irritating.

Irritating ? I'd say it was bl--dy annoying,they should at least wait until eight before they start !

extract from a council website

Reasonable times for DIY
Tell your neighbours that you are going to be carrying out some work. Noisier work should be kept to these hours:

Weekdays - 8.00am to 7.00pm
Saturdays - 10.00am to 5.00pm
Sundays - No noisy work at all
If your neighbours have small children you may need to restrict your DIY even further.
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hihonyr8811 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:50 pm

I'm really hoping that today was the last day, I mean, our bungalows are tiny, there can't be that many rooms left :)) :))

Wednesday I'm convinced they (who ever they are, I assume they are actually installer people) started before 7am, but I didn't have my glasses on so I may have read the clock wrong :))

I honestly don't think the lady realises just how thin the walls actually are, I'm tempted to hang some shelves just to annoy her =))

Mum was so worried that she took the big mirror off the chimney breast when we went out.
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Re: Irritations

Postby Ray C » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:18 am

I would have thought your partition wall (the separating wall between you & next door) should be
solid brick or breeze block....& not a timber stud wall...? If not you will hear their Telly stereo Hoover
& so on... There are thin sound barrier walls that can be fitted retro..At a cost.
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hihonyr8811 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:12 pm

Well it seems like I was right, they seem to have finished.
I don't know what the walls are made of but we've always been able to hear our old next door neighbours TV, mainly because she was hard of hearing and it was on full blast. But you can also hear the phone ringing, doors shutting (front door mainly) and various other loud things.
I think it was just what ever it was they were using to fit the radiators, heavy duty tools, now that they've gone it's fine \:D/ :)) .
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Re: Irritations

Postby Yorkie » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:22 pm

Working night shifts is ok in itself, but trying to sleep during the day is a nightmare.... especially when the kids are off school.

but the main irritation is the postman banging on the door for ten minutes.... YES THE CAR IS ON THE DRIVE- BUT IF I HAVENT ANSWERED THE DOOR IN FIVE MINUTES I AINT GOING TO! phew feel better now :)
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Re: Irritations

Postby Kermit » Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:07 pm

The postman or gas/electric/water meter readers banging on the door and ringing the bell, but by the time you come downstairs to open the door, they have already left a card and legged it, without waiting for even a minute. GRRRRRRR ~x(
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Re: Irritations

Postby Mayfly » Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:29 pm

Actors talking with their mouths full because the directors think it's what every does ~x(
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