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Postby Aceyone » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:28 pm

Let's give it a go folks-As the title says ,what gets your dander up ?

People who can't be bothered to return shopping trolleys
Those annoying little stiff nylon labels they put on the back of t-shirts/sweaters etc that irritate your skin
Too much chit-chat on so called music radio stations
Women who take ages to pay for their goods in supermarkets
Unwanted phone calls trying to sell me stuff
Work-of any description
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Re: Irritations

Postby Gaz » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:35 pm

People not signalling on roundabouts
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Re: Irritations

Postby Mayfly » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:41 pm

yup I agree with those also anything Microsoft!!!! having trouble with excel at the moment!! X(

People who wait then pull out in front you, then slow down to let you pass - when the road behind you is clear as far as the eye can see....

People who throw litter down especially when there is bin within 2ft of them....

Bad manners....

and people who think the world owes them a living....

oh people who always find an excuse to be last at the bar....
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Re: Irritations

Postby Gaz » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:43 pm

Arseholes using their phone whilst driving!!!!!!
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Re: Irritations

Postby Aceyone » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:45 pm

Gaz wrote:People not signalling on roundabouts

Oh yes that too X(
and people who drive too close to your rear
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Re: Irritations

Postby Olicat » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:05 pm

Gift vouchers
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Re: Irritations

Postby Nickolas » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:01 pm

Mobile phone users, including those on hands free kits,

Ear plugs in ipod on while driving,

Illegal tinted glass,


Institute of Advanced Motoring badge holders who have clearly forgotten all they were taught but still display the badge and have a 'holier than thou' attitude (wankers),

Anyone incapable of driving/riding at an appropriate speed for the conditions,

Fog light users when it is only misty.

4x4 drivers who have no concept of the size of their vehicle.

Aggressive women drivers that go all 'girlie' when you stop and get out to check the micro gap they have maintained for the last mile and get all stressy when you ask 'where is the f****** tow rope???'

Stupid bloody pedestrians who walk out into the road without looking first and get upset when you sound your audible warning device to alert them of your presence. (beep beep) not BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!

Oh, did I mention the Lycra clad idiots who think the traffic laws do not apply to them 'cos they are 'green'. (More wankers).
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hihonyr8811 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:19 pm

In supermarkets when little old ladies stop to gossip to other little old ladies and block the entire aisle with their trollies then get offended when you politely ask them to get out of the effing way ~x( ~x(
Ok I don't actually say that, I'm far too pollite to ever say that to anyone, let alone a little old lady who probably hasn't seen a soul for days :(
But I wish they wouldn't be rude to me when I say excuse me.

4x4 drivers who refuse to go onto a grass verge to let you pass.
We only have a Yaris, it's not exactly ment for going off road, where as theirs is.

My mum when she won't listen to my directions, especially when I have the map =)) ok I am joking about that one, a little =))

When I worked in a pet shop I found it very rude when customers would be talking on their phones whilst I was serving them X(
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Re: Irritations

Postby Nickolas » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:25 pm

I love dropping strange stuff into peoples trolleys at this time of year.
Condoms/tampons into the pensioners baskets,
sweets into trolleys where kids have been mithering about them so they get a bollocking at the tills.......
Shake up bottles of fizzy stuff too.

Oh I'm a complete git............ =)) =)) =))
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Re: Irritations

Postby Lucas1860 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:33 pm

Night shifts,

People in the aircraft when it has landed jump up and block all the walkway the second it has docked,

lazy gits who think the world owes them a living,

MP's on the gravy train.
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Re: Irritations

Postby Mayfly » Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:53 am

Lucas1860 wrote:Night shifts,

People in the aircraft when it has landed jump up and block all the walkway the second it has docked,

lazy gits who think the world owes them a living,

MP's on the gravy train.

I've waited hours for that one - never arrives tho' :))

another for my list...

ignorant gits who have no idea there is anyone living outside their own little world and who have no idea how much others give up for their benefit!!! X(
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hula-Hoop » Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:02 am

My brother.

People who drop Ciggarette stubs on the floor.

People who drive on the pedestrian area in Stamford.

People on step ladders at the front of the crowd line at airshows. X( X(

General ignorant people.
With girls, initiating the conversation is half the battle!

The other half is STOPPING them TALKING!

Dad helped me with the spelling!
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Re: Irritations

Postby Xplumberlives » Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:39 am

Hula-Hoop wrote:My brother.

People who drop Ciggarette stubs on the floor.

People who drive on the pedestrian area in Stamford.

People on step ladders at the front of the crowd line at airshows. X( X(

General ignorant people.

Most of those in the posts above, but especially those that can't spell CIGARETTE! :-o
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Re: Irritations

Postby Thumper » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:12 am

Some good ones in here that would be on my list too!!

Strangely enough, most of mine are about road users irritating habits!

People who use the left lane on a roundabout on a dual carriageway then drift over to the centre of the roundabout before exiting back onto the left lane.

People who slam the brakes on when they see a speed camera and proceed to drive past it at 3mph "just incase".

People who are turning left into a side road and pull out 3 miles to the right because they think their 306 is a juggernaut.

People that see red and speed up when you overtake them.

95% of other road users and coppers attitudes towards bikers. I am sick of being tarred with the same brush.

Drivers that throw their cigarette butts out of the window. I have had one bounce off my headlight and land inside my crash helmet, it was a miracle I did not crash.

People that are doing things other than driving; using their phone, putting on make up, reading the map with both hands off the wheel, reading a magazine etc etc

Motorway slalom jockeys (INCLUDING BIKERS!). Please find a lane and stick to it. Drivers like that should come with an epilepsy warning as watching them go 3-2-1-2-3-1-2-3-2-1-1-2-3-3-2-1-2-3-2-3-1 between the lanes makes you dizzy!

Drivers not putting on their headlights/foglights in poor conditions.

Non-Traffic related irritants!

1 sided friendships
People that talk about you behind your back and then blatently lie to your face and come over all shocked and horrified when you question them

One that Helen wrote about, the school mums I find are worse at the aisle closing in supermarkets where they block the entire aisle gossiping and then when you say excuse me they look at you as if you are something they just scraped off their shoe. I'm not polite though so I use my trolley to play ten pin bowling with theirs and barge through. Stuck up bitches! :p

People who don't cover their mouth/nose when they cough or sneeze

Narrow minded w@nkers who call me a benefit scrounger or treat me like one when they have no idea what I am going through and how I wish and pray that I could be well again and return back to a job that I loved

Doctors receptionists. There is no way that I am discussing my medical history infront of a waiting room full of people that can hear and some stuck up bint that doesn't need to know whats wrong with me and if you state that they then throw a barrage of abuse at you AND they have the cheek to put up dozens of posters about zero tollerance for abusing members of staff!! Therefore I now tell them I am here to see my doctor because my head fell off. Since starting that back in the summer they don't ask anymore ;)

Doctors rules and regulations. In my surgery there is a ticker board that says "your 5 minute appointment is for 1 problem only". I guess you're f***ed if you go in with sickness and diahorrea :))

People that believe everything they read. The current one is that if you change your Facebook profile picture to a cartoon it's a secret signal to let people know you are a paedophile.

Speaking of Facebook. I recently had a cull as I do not like being the subject of idle gossip and back stabbing PLUS I hate those status updates that say "you are going to hell if you don't copy and paste this status".

Oh oh oh and and and... attention seeking status updates, you know the ones; "wants to curl up and die, life is so cruel". After 400 comments of "whats wrong" and "are you ok" they reply saying that coronation street was cancelled as the football ran into extra time.

Windows 7 - it's shite!

Glad I got all that off my chest =))
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Re: Irritations

Postby Hihonyr8811 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:33 am

Thumper wrote:People that believe everything they read. The current one is that if you change your Facebook profile picture to a cartoon it's a secret signal to let people know you are a paedophile.

Speaking of Facebook. I recently had a cull as I do not like being the subject of idle gossip and back stabbing PLUS I hate those status updates that say "you are going to hell if you don't copy and paste this status
Oh oh oh and and and... attention seeking status updates, you know the ones; "wants to curl up and die, life is so cruel". After 400 comments of "whats wrong" and "are you ok" they reply saying that coronation street was cancelled as the football ran into extra time.".

I'm so bored of reading people arguing about if it's paedos or not, if people did a little research they'd see that actually it;s neither NSPCC or some secret paedo code :))
I even put a link in my status but as far as I know only two pwoplw read it =)) =))

Ahhhhhhh, so that's why my friends have decreased then :p :p
But I've done neither :(( :((
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Re: Irritations

Postby Mayfly » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:45 am

:)) Intolerant lot aren't we!!
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Re: Irritations

Postby Sploosher » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:47 am

Gaz wrote:People not signalling on roundabouts

poeple who indicate when they dont need to, and dont when they do, and who change lane at the last momment and cut you up.................................
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Re: Irritations

Postby Thumper » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:16 pm

Hihonyr8811 wrote:I'm so bored of reading people arguing about if it's paedos or not, if people did a little research they'd see that actually it;s neither NSPCC or some secret paedo code :))
I even put a link in my status but as far as I know only two pwoplw read it =)) =))

Ahhhhhhh, so that's why my friends have decreased then :p :p
But I've done neither :(( :((
People don't need to know about my issues.

Not at all, it's OTHER people stiring the poo. If it's going to happen then I simply remove everything thats causing the problem to put an immediate end to it, ruthless yes, doesn't mean I don't like you though ;)

I find it amazing that grown ups can reform into immature school bullies and gossips when given a Facebook page. Every single little detail is picked to pieces and analysed before being twisted, mashed up and spat out as a pathetic rumour. Facebook is the mothership of chinese whispers :))
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Re: Irritations

Postby Bovril » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:47 pm

Thumper wrote:Windows 7

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Re: Irritations

Postby Aceyone » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:11 pm

I started something here ,didn't eye ?

Added to my list ice
Most of what others have said ( well all of it really )
People who try to poke your eyes out with umbrellas
Bird poo
Dog poo
All those greedy money -grabbing utility companies ( British Gas especially )
Canal Locks
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Re: Irritations

Postby Sooty655 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:18 pm

Nothing wrong with canal locks, Yvonne. They stop the water running off down the hill, and give the boater's wife something to do. ;)

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Re: Irritations

Postby Aceyone » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:30 pm

Sooty655 wrote:Nothing wrong with canal locks, Yvonne. They stop the water running off down the hill, and give the boater's wife something to do. ;)

When I was a kid ( about 11 ) I managed to fall in ,at Teddington Lock on the Thames :-o since then I kind of have a love-hate relationship with them ,I admire them for what are and do but dislike them nevertheless,funny enough my parents had a canal boat on the Grand Union and although I could have made use of it ,in 20 years I only stayed on it for one week and then I never moved it once :-o
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Re: Irritations

Postby Gaz » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:38 pm

Those PRICKS, usually old folk, who are walking in front of you and just stop dead!!!!!!!!

When I'm PM I'll make it legal for us to smack them in the back of the head when they do that!!!!!

Hell, I'll make it illegal NOT TO!!!
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Re: Irritations

Postby Aceyone » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:42 pm

Gaz wrote:Those PRICKS, usually old folk, who are walking in front of you and just stop dead!!!!!!!!

When I'm PM I'll make it legal for us to smack them in the back of the head when they do that!!!!!

Hell, I'll make it illegal NOT TO!!!

:)) :)) :))
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Re: Irritations

Postby Thumper » Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:34 pm

Gaz wrote:Those PRICKS, usually old folk, who are walking in front of you and just stop dead!!!!!!!!

When I'm PM I'll make it legal for us to smack them in the back of the head when they do that!!!!!

Hell, I'll make it illegal NOT TO!!!

Oh you'll LOVE what I did Saturday then! I was in central Milton Keynes and heaving was not enough to describe how many people where in The CentreMK. This woman just stopped dead infront of me to answer her mobile and because it was so packed I bumped into her. She screamed at me "watch where you're f'in going". I said nothing, overtook her, gathered up speed until she was behind me and slammed the brakes on (I was wearing grippy Doc Martins). She fell on her arse as high heels, shiny flooring and sudden stopping don't mix. I left her there sat on the floor swearing at me in a rage. Stupid woman :))

I have another 2 to add to my list. Why do old people buy stamps at the post office counter and then stand at the counter putting the stamps on cards and then give them to the cashier. I had 3 of the buggers infront of me at the P.O do that this afternoon, was stood in that bloody queue for ages! Why can't they take their stamps and use the AMPLE desk area to the side of the counters and put them in the letterbox thats outside the shop door!!!

Tesco... it's about 100 degrees in there right now. I walked in wearing 2 fleeces and my winter motorcycle jacket and walked out wearing just the t-shirt I had on sweating like gary glitter on a school bus ~x(
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